This past week, I pre-released this new e-workshop to 5 photographers I have never met along with all the former workshop attendees and past photographers who mentored with me. I received some great feedback and will be tweaking a few things and fixing just a FEW grammatical/typographical errors (Sorry to my high school english teacher, Mrs. Haensch!) — the finished e-class will be available for download in just a few days!
Amber Iverson Photography – “I wouldn’t even call this a guide, its an extension of your workshop. This isn’t just a guide, it’s fricking wikipedia…I can get my posing bag, get a doll, get a wrap, watch your guide and practice over and over. What you have created is simply an invaluable tool.” and, “I really really really really really liked the angle section. It is so important and not something you really think about until you are in the moment. I loved how you showed your progression. It brought you down to my level and not like you just picked up the camera and were fab one day. I think that part really spoke to me because I suffer from having a low self-esteem…I loved how you stated to follow your own path because I think a lot of us need to hear that. I believe that what you have created will be inspirational to everyone that buys it and will most importantly show and teach photographers how to properly and safely handle newborns.”
Joyful Heart Photography by Uyen – “The Guide is OUTSTANDING and I love the tone of your Guide as if I had an one-on-one mentoring session with you. The Guide has a very conversational feel to it as if I was with a close friend who really wants to teach me to do it correctly. I could tell that you poured your heart and soul into the Guide. It is so detailed with so many videos and step-by-step explanations. You have shown so many poses in this Guide and there is no where in the industry that they can get that wealth of info for that price. ..This type (newborn) Photography is a specialized field that takes years to acquire knowlege and safety is utmost important. Thanks Rachel for your extreme kindness and generosity with this Guide! God Bless!“
Renee Stengel Photography – As someone who has purchased more than one newborn photography guide I was happily surprised to find so much detail in Rachel’s first guide. Others on the market simply do not compare. And now she has gone and outdone her own first guide with the addition of videos. It is incredibly difficult to describe newborn posing with words alone – and though she does a great job in the first edition, the videos in this guide make it leap in value in my opinion. I am still so thankful to have had the opportunity to take Rachel’s workshop in person – but this guide will continue to be an amazing resource for me for many, many newborn sessions to come.
Lydia Lee Photography: “Rachel’s guide is both informative and creative. She really leaves nothing out and is a complete open book in regards to newborn posing. The photos and instructions really make newborn posing seem possible! Thanks Rachel.. For being a supportive and amazing photographer friend.“
Alexandria Wilcox Photography : “So I have read and watched the videos three times! First off I have to say one thing—this is the BEST written material I have seen for newborn photography. It is so simple to understand and it is put into terms that make you want to read the next line! So many I have seen it is SO boring to read and it makes you want to just skip to the parts you really want to know. But your’s is hands down the best and will make any photographer at whatever level want to read every word you have said! Every little detail that you cover is just great! I am a pretty detail oriented type of person—but even I didn’t think of a lot of things you have—clearly why you are where you are and why I am where I am. And I am so excited how much you emphasized safety, your guide would be crucial for someone who was/is trying to get into newborn photography and *thought* babies just magically did that by trying to get them to stay in those positions.
The videos are just ridiculously awesome! You have a wealth of information in each video and each step you do. I am definitely a more visual learner—and even though I completely was getting everything you were saying in the written portion of the guide—the videos were just the icing on the cake.
What I absolutely loved the most-beside the amount of information that I learned-is that even though you are a remarkably successful newborn photographer and an inspiration to someone like myself who is just starting into it, I got it—I got you. I felt like you were my friend and I was reading something my friend wrote. It was very personable and didn’t feel like someone had a computer write it or someone else writing it. I can’t stress that enough! I am not the type of person you would find with their head behind a book (sounds like you might be…I wish I was!) so for me to sit down with a pen and paper and be eagerly reading every single word and couldn’t wait for the next, was certainly worth everything. It was exactly-from what I believe you wanted from reading-not as professionalistic (ummm that isn’t a word but I am using it) as something else—but it is LOADED with everything someone like me needs to hear and in a way that I can understand.
After reading it and looking at the videos, you certainly have a lot of information in it! I honestly believe-for any aspiring photographer or one that is trying to take their company to the next level-your guide is a must read.
Amanda Duncan Photography – Going to Rachel’s workshop was beyond amazing. Reading and being able to watch the videos from her newest guide is like getting to experience her workshop all over, again and again. I know how hard you have worked to get to where you are today Rachel. Thank you so much for being so gracious and sharing your knowledge with those of us who wish to be half as good as you are at what you do!!
every day photography by stephanie schweller – “it has VIDEOS…’nough said…”
Kara Reese Photography – “Rachel’s newest Newborn Posing Guide is more than just a guide — it’s very nearly a complete online workshop. There is no other newborn posing guide on the market that has video tutorials, narrated so you can easily understand what is happening, alongside such a wealth of information on preparation, posing, and post-processing. As someone who attended one of Rachel’s in-person workshops, I am so thankful that this PDF exists. I am such a visual learner and this guide is just like re-living the workshop every time I read through it. I love having the ability to watch the videos over and over. Rachel covers nearly every pose you can think of and is honest and real in her tips and tricks, including small but important details like how to properly roll a blanket to stuff in a bucket. When you read this PDF, you can tell that Rachel genuinely cares about her readers’ success in newborn photography. For the serious learner, this PDF is a must-have!”
Shutterly Amazing Portraits – WOW… how do you review a master piece of someone’s creativity, sweat, tears, and I am sure at one point or another blood…. put in the form of videos and dancing words on paper to teach all of us the art of newborn photography. A fellow a photographer said it best this isn’t a guide, this is an extension of Rachel’s workshop via online. I took a portfolio building workshop with Rachel in Indy last May. After putting what I learn to use over the past nine months, then getting the opportunity to review this workbook, I realized that some of my difficulties posing is things I can now reference through the videos presented in this masterpiece. If you have ever thought about doing a online mentoring session with one of your favorite photographers, I would HIGHLY recommend buying this workbook. The best part about this workbook is you can press repeat over and over. I will be honest my lil guy will be here in May/ June of this year and I cant wait to sit with my iPad and these videos and practice posing.. (of course this is not why I am having a baby but it doesn’t hurt to have a model in your own home right?!?! LOL)
Kristin Becket Photography – “Rachel Vanoven is nothing short of the baby whisperer. Having this amazing by-your-side guide is what every newborn photographer MUST have! There is absolutely nothing left untouched in this pdf – including step by step videos and how to transition newborns to different poses. The best part is that it is truly Rachel and completely shows through in her selflessness in wanting everyone to succeed and be the best we can be! Thanks so much Rachel for all of your hard work.”
Quick facts about the e-workshop:
–it is 50 pages long covers posing, angles, lighting, white balance and my business advice
–it contains 16 video poses with voice over narration explaining the steps I’m taking for each pose
–I added 3 Photoshop tutorials on my favorite quick ways to do composites for the head-in-hands pose, wrapped up sitting up, and spotter hand removal
–it includes (with email confirmation) access to a private facebook group where I’ll be a member of to continue to give CC/advice in a private manner
–the cost for this e-class is $450
–bundled with the first guide (info here) it’s $500
–estimated release date is Tuesday January 31st
–I will be offering an introductory price of $350 to the first twenty downloads