I’m not going to lie, I just realized how old this little guy was! I totally thought he was only a little under three weeks, like maybe 17 days old…nope, just went and checked Mom’s FB to figure out how old he was…and I can’t believe he’s closer to FOUR weeks old! In that case, Luke–you are officially a rockstar 🙂
I had so much fun (I need to come up with a better adjective to describe my shoots, ideas?) at his newborn(ish) session this morning with my very good friend, Brandy! I have been mentoring/helping her with newborns over the past few months, and she took on her first solo shoot with Luke last week (I was in Florida, then had the sniffles and canceled all my shoots!), and she got some GREAT shots, but he just was having a hard time sleeping and getting some different poses, so we broke out the “big guns” and took on the shoot together.
It was definitely a team effort, and I just love working with Brandy since she knows exactly what I need before I ask, where to hold when it needs holding as I’m posing away! And I have to say, Brandy, hearing you “shoosh” the same “shoosh” I do did my teacher’s heart proud! You are on track to being a rockstar photographer yourself!
Anyways, I could gush more about both Brandy and Luke, but I’ll leave you with these behind the scenes shots that Brandy got!