Another “older” newborn that waited until my two week break was over! Little “Sully” was just a dream from start to finish. Dad tried warning me that Sullivan didn’t like to be naked, but no newborn can resist my put-to-dreamland magic, bwah-ha-ha! We barely heard a peep out of him!
I got to try out some new gorgeous hats made by one of my very favorite beanie designers, Meg, who runs Adorable Props on Etsy! I also got to try out that gorgeous new basket that I’m now in love with! Sully stayed sleeping in it during a total backdrop change, and while his big sister poked and prodded him (as only 21 month old big sisters CAN!).
I absolutely *love* how his hair changed color depending on the light and background around him…but he was definitely a true little red head (and we all know I’m smitten for red heads!) and just perfect in every way!