Literally 😉
 I made sure to take as much time off during this holiday season, since in years past I worked right up to Christmas Eve…I was determined to remember that this season, the kids would do things that would be set in their memories, and maybe even be the start of traditions for THEM to pass on!
 We actually will be decorating Christmas cookies today, so few words and lots of pictures for this post! 🙂
After we finished making the decorations, it was raining, so we decided to decorate the tree on the next day! 🙂
I bought Josie and Cora these matching ponchos on our Chicago trip! (Part 2 coming soon!)–fun bright colors for a rainy, dreary day!
Later, it was an intense game of hide-and-seek at Karis’ house!
And then a big breakfast in the morning!
And then back to Nana and Pop’s house to decorate the tree!
It was SIXTY-TWO degrees out when we were doing this! Just one week later it was 14 degrees and we had two inches of snow!
Merry Christmas <3