If I have a monument in this world, it is my son. – Maya Angelou
If I have a monument in this world, it is my son. – Maya Angelou
What tops witnessing a new person entering the world? Not much. Actually, I can’t think of anything that amazes me more. I was privileged to shoot Jessica Vaughn’s birth on Friday and it was just another wonderful experience. No two births are alike, and Jessica’s was a roller coaster. She did amazing. Her original birth plan was to do a med free birth. But when her due date came and went with no sign of labor, she headed to the hospital and had to go on pitocin. After laboring for six hours naturally, and doing a wonderful job of progressing, her body demanded a rest (pitocin labor is notoriously harder/more painful) and after 4 more hours of more “comfortable” labor (as if you can ever use that word when describing labor!) Liam was finally able to make his entrance.
I have to add here that I was a teeny apprehensive about shooting this birth–only because Jessica is a birth photography guru. Check out her workbook here! It’s loaded with great tips for birth photography AND includes Pure Photoshop Black & White actions! Win-win!
Okay, onto the pictures, right?
ice chips–one of my favorite things during my own labor. i’m almost tempted to have another baby just to get 48 hours of them.
dad-to-be had a bad back injury but was as supportive as he could be throughout the entire day
the highs…
the lows…
births are hard to watch. even harder when it’s my very very dear friend who is in pain. she was amazing.
getting ready to push and gorgeous.
Liam Ryder
March 18th, 4:26pm
check out those curls!
Aside from new babies, new mothers must be the most beautiful creatures on earth. ~Terri Guillemets
he is so fat.
the beginning 🙂