Northen Light PPA Conference

  1. Caitlyn says:

    Love. Love. Love. It’s your posts like these that give me the crazy confidence to just keep doing what I want to do with my photography and not change a single thing for a single person. I go to Columbia College Chicago, majoring in photography. Every semester when we enter a new photo class we always go around the room and have to tell what kind of photography we are interested in and our favorite photographer. All of these art school kids are like “I’m mostly interested in landscapes and my favorite photographer is Ansel Adams.” You hear the same thing over and over again. Then it comes to me and I’m like “I’m interested in children and family photography and.. I am obsessed with Rachel Vanoven.” I get crazy looks all the time when they hear that I just want to take pictures of kids and families forever and ever and try to convince me to do some more conceptual work. I even had a teacher one semester that told me that if that is what I wanted to do with my degree, then I should change my major. Um. Thanks? haha. I get attacked all of the time for giving out my digital negatives too. They just don’t get it. But I’m glad someone does. Thanks for keeping me crazy inspired, Rachel. 🙂

  2. dana says:

    side note: I like your glasses

  3. barb herzog says:

    Awesome, Awesome, Awesome. Thank you for sharing your experience!!!! 🙂

  4. Krista says:

    Thanks so much for coming to our convention, love how you’re real, and stand up for what you believe! Lots of people needed to hear that! You do amazing work, keep it up!

  5. marina says:

    Ahhh RACHEL!! The best blog story you have written yet!! I laughed out loud, I cried, I showed off Veda’s photos to my husband exclaiming how I love this baby and I want one just like her!! Seriously made my night!! I love you and Erin and so glad you both are friends….makes things on Facebook that much more entertaining!!

  6. Amanda ditzel says:

    I LOVED reading this blog! I have a great photographer friend that I can call upon for almost everything. The relationship between you and Erin sounds amazing! Being yourself is one of the most important things. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Christina patrick says:

    “This is my blog so neener neener neener” hahaha you make me laugh 🙂

  8. Vikki kourbelis says:

    Your honesty is what I love about you most Rachel! Reading your honest truths gives me the belief in myself that I am doing things right too. You are awesome!

  9. Nichole Coombs says:

    You Rock! I’ve never Loved someone I didn’t know more haha That sounds super creepy! I am a Mother of 4 ages 6 to 6mo and I Love what I am doing and I have been starting and SLOWLY building momentum to be the photographer and business owner I WANT TO BE. I am currently in the middle of re branding restructuring my pricing Cause I finally have the confidence to charge what I think I am worth BUT I keep getting hung up on creating these dumb print collections Ive never had them before (I pass digital files to clients) and truth be told even if its a lame reason (or maybe I’m just lazy) I don’t have time for print orders I just want to shoot edit and hand over Thank you for the encouragement to do things how I WANT to do them even if its not the norm. What’s normal about being a mom with a business anyway right!?!? XO Nicole

  10. Kristy copperfield says:

    Oh Rachel, this story is amazing! I too probably would have been second guessing everything! Moral? Everyone needs a Tole.

  11. Valentina mantovani says:

    oh Rachel you are amazing!!! i hope to meet you one day… xoxo from Italy!!

  12. christine morgan says:

    I am really not one to read (you know like the FB statuses that are so long they say “see more”) But I read every word of this blog post…and will probably read it again!! Thank you for being so transparent!! I feel like in the photography world, people can be so hardcore about all the technicalities and forget the person behind the camera. Your talent (that is uber amazing) is only a little of the person you are. I follow you because I love seeing the ups and the downs of your life…every day life of a daughter, wife and mother…it makes you real, and not just another photographer on FB. And can I also add that….I LOVE that you do digital negatives, makes me love you even more!! Keep being you…=)

  13. kim traylor (rv workshop) says:

    Rachel, thank you for being you! Thank you for sharing your real self… not hiding behind the person you want everyone to think you are! I am so honored to have spent time learning from you in February and I will say it a million times… apart from my babies coming into this world, it was one of the greatest times in my life! Not only because I got to spend time with someone I truly admire, but because in a *stupid-me not stalking type of way*, I see you as the big sister I never had. That person I long to be like… again, not to be your clone, but to be true and allow others to see me for who I am and not the person I want them to *think* I am. Hugs girly! Erin and those in your close circle are very fortunate to have you and call you friend. XOXO

  14. Nicole says:

    Love, Love, Love!! Without sounding like a crazy obsessed stalker, you seriously inspire me!! I find myself drawn to every one of your posts in the hopes I might just learn something new!! I’m where you were 5 yrs ago, just starting out w/ a crap ton to learn & already feeling light years behind! I admire your raw honesty & uniqueness. I hope to be able to someday take one of your workshops b/c honestly (again w/o sounding like a nut job) I aspire to be just like you! Completely comfortable in my own skin (even if its just in small groups) & insanely talented!! Thanks so much for sharing!!

  15. Julie says:

    This was the most incredible blog post I have read in a while. I have been following your work for some time now, and reading this really affirms to me the type of person I expected you to be. AMAZING!!! Honesty is so refreshing!!! Thank you again. Julie

  16. kim adamson says:

    You are a true inspiration. Staying home with my baby girl full time and doing photography as much as I can fit in, I’m often finding myself striving to be where you are. My hubby and I have shot weddings for 5 years now but in the last yearI’ve broken out more into family, newborns, and birth photography and I love it. I love that it allows me to be home, not devote to much time away working on editing and stuff, but it’s a great creative outlet for me on a continual basis. I look at your work every day (and Erin tole’s as well) and dream up how I can someday bring myself to a very profitable place like both of you. Bottom line — please don’t change. You are just perfect where you are right now and you’re just what I need and what a lot of us need who are out there trying to make it work and be great to our family at the same time. 😉

  17. robin wray says:

    Rachel, This blog post is fantastic! Proud of you for not caving in and changing who you really are and what you stand for just so you can satisfy others. Way to keep it real. That took courage! P.S. I am dying over the baby food pictures! 🙂

  18. cali says:

    I can not begin to tell you HOW MUCH I needed to read this today!! But let me join the throngs of adoring fans that are thanking you for your honesty. It is truly a breath of fresh air. Fresh air that my soul desperately needed. Thank You and Congratulations!! xo*tricia

  19. Sharna waksmulkski says:

    Rach – you crack me up woman! I agree having stood on both sides of the field at some point. I was trained, went to school for it (Hi Caitlyn – I went to Columbia 10 years ago, I see nothings changed. I had a teacher try to fail me in color 2 because she didn’t like my subject matter, even though her class was on processing) I started in photography before digital. 2 mega pixel camera point n shoots were just coming out my senior year in school & we had one class on photoshop. Ha! I graduated and didn’t pick up a camera for a long long time. My mother basically bought me my camera and shoved it into my hands and practically begged me to take pictures. I did a friends wedding, love her, hated taking wedding photos. Took pictures of friends, toddled around. Then one of my besties had her daughters newborn photos taken. OMG. I like instantly fell in love. AGAIN. I went on a mission to learn, read and play with my camera and remembered why I took photography all over again. I have yet to sell prints. I have offered advise on where to take the digital negs & what to print and how, but I DO NOT SELL PRINTS. I had a summer job at Sears portraits. Nough said. LOL. My clients haven’t asked me to get them prints either. Its kinda nice.

  20. christie says:

    Oh.My.Goodness. Now I love you even more! I love your honesty, your hyperventilating, unsure, about-to-vomit nervousness! Ok, maybe that sounds awful…but it just makes you, so.normal. I loved hearing the details of your experience, how you got to share it with Veda and how you’ve got each others backs! I didn’t realize you didn’t sell prints. Which is awesome! Though I’m not in business, I’ve done shots for people before and thought I was wimping out or not ‘fulfilling my duty’ by offering prints. But I’m so glad to hear that you give all the photos you take as a digital negative. Brilliant! I’ve had those stuffy “I’m A Professionally Trained Classic Photographer” tell me the picture they have taken (even many years in the past) are not to be used without permission–even by the family who hired the photographer! How is it they forever own an image they took WHEN THEY WERE HIRED TO TAKE IT?! Anyway, I digress. You Rock. You Inspire. Don’t Stop Being YOU!

  21. Amanda adamas says:

    As it seems, I think EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON deserves a friend like Erin in their lives! 🙂 Everyone needs that person that pushes you forward, encourages you to be yourself (don’t you DARE change a thing), and threatens to throat punch anyone who upsets you. I looooove (and laughed pretty hard) when you said “please don’t hit me”. LOL! So thank you for showing me that friendships like this exist. Thank you for showing me that it actually IS ok to not follow suite with every other photographer that might be offering IPS and/or prints. Thank you for showing me that it IS ok to do your own thing and find your niche. Because in the end, if it works for YOU…that’s all that matters. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been stuck in that position where my heart is pounding in my throat and all I want to do is turn on my heels and walk (no. run.) away in the other direction. I need to stop doing that! So thank you, Rachel, for showing me that it’s ok to face your fears because something really beautiful will come out of it. (PS – I don’t think any other images could have illustrated this blog posting any more perfect than it did. I loved every. single. one!)

  22. Wendy lake says:

    That was hilarious! and insightful. Thank you! If you talked like you wrote, I’m sure you were very entertaining

  23. shebli says:

    This is the first blog post I have read of yours and I loved it! So honest and full of personality.You are awesome and I really admire you and your work.

  24. ruth says:

    I. Love. this. Post. You are a wonderful writer as well and I can’t get over how pretty you make airport shots :O

  25. brand Williamson says:

    Seriously in tears. You are an awesome person. Thank you for taking the time to write all of this out!!!!

  26. damara says:

    What an amazing event! Your photographs are so inspiring Rachel, and it inspires me to become a better amateur photographer! It’s a great thing to learn about experiences and tell them to the world, because it really inspires other people to go out there and achieve their best! Great blog!

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