we do fun.

  1. David says:

    No one has commented here in years, which is pretty crazy.

    Great blog Rachel, I love what you have done.

    I found this blog after searching “spit bubbles kids” into google images. The photo of the girl blowing the spit bubble comes up as a result. I was amazed when I saw the spit bubble that the girl blew because it’s so big. I think this girl has some real skill and talent and she can obviously control her spit very well.

    It’s probably a bit weird to say that kind of thing about a child blowing a spit bubble, but I think it really is cool that this girl blew such a big bubble.

    Apart from that, all I have to say is that I really like the blog page. So, yeah. Again, great job Rachel!

  2. Julie dawkins says:

    Such a perfect post! I’ve gone back and forth carrying my big girl camera with me at all times. But I never regretted capturing our life our way!

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