A few months ago I asked Collective members AND non Collective members what topics we should focus on for future videos, and after Lighting (which we covered immediately in probably my favorite Collective video1) the topics weren’t even photography related! They were Business and Marketing, which I can 100% relate to needing…

June 7, 2019

Let’s Talk Business

I started building a list of guest instructors I wanted for the Collective last Spring. There were a handful of friends who believed in my dream and supported me by trusting us to film them teaching without really understanding just what the Rachel Vanoven Collective was going to be. Or if anyone was even going to subscribe!

February 8, 2019

Gagan Dhiman for the Rachel Vanoven Collective

“Can I get some CC on this?”

January 31, 2019

How to get the most help when asking for CC

I’ve been teaching photography, mainly newborn photography, for nearly nine years…and the resounding problem that most photographers come to workshops with is lighting. (Followed closely by marketing, but that’s another blog post!) But before we dive into the main problems I see, and how to fix them,  take a look at my in-home natural light […]

January 3, 2019

The top three lighting problems for newborn photographers…and how to fix them!

    She made lived to be exactly 91 years and one day, before taking her last breath and running through the gates of heaven into the arms of her beloved Paul. Whenever I’m asked to describe the Murphy side of my family, for some reason I always tell people how notoriously loud we are […]

December 10, 2018

Granny’s Funeral in Eastern Kentucky

December 2, 2017 was the last day I spent with my mom.

December 2, 2018

Breath of Heaven – One year after losing my mom to cancer

This week was basically “Groundhog Day, photography edition” with every morning starting the same, 5:00 alarm, coffee, devotions, kids off to school, more coffee, off to the Shop, edit from about 8:30-3:30, home, dinner, shoot at 6:00, home by 8:00, kids to bed, fall asleep while watching Netflix with the husband.

September 15, 2018

Weekly Roundup!

I’ve been a part of the Milky Way Retreats since their launch a few years ago, and when Lisa and Erin came to me with the idea of it, I let them know straight up that I was planning this Collective (I had no idea it was going to take so long to get off […]

September 10, 2018

Milky Way Family Retreat Early Bird Sale

Take a second real fast and go read this six year old blog post from 2012.

September 4, 2018

Priorities Part Two

Three days and FIVE newborns, whew! All ranging from four to ten days and so darn sweet.

September 1, 2018

Chicago Two Day Workshop

Rachel Vanoven

Rachel specializes in finding the best light possible to photograph families, babies and every age in between along with teaching other photographers how they can simplify their business and love what they do.

Rachel specializes in finding the best light possible to photograph families, babies and every age in between along with teaching other photographers how they can simplify their business and love what they do.





meet the team



collective membership

family bootcamp

newborn bootcamp


1:1 mentoring







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